Essex County Peer Netowking: The Prevention Team hosts monthly meet ups, where those seeking to work in the field of recovery can learn more about the Recovery Peer Advocate Certification process, and those already in the field can network and gain resources. For information, email Casey King at The Prevention Team
In-person Recovery Peer Advocate Certification Courses: The Prevention Team, with Hudson Mohawk AHEC and ASAP NY, hosts in-person local CRPA classes, to certify individuals looking to become Certified Recovery Peer Advocates. Scholarship funding is available to qualified eligible participants. For information, email Casey King at The Prevention Team
Mentorships, Internships, and VolunteerOpportunities
Local Career Mentors
Human Library of Local Career Mentors! The Westport NY Public Library has created a database of career mentors. Accessible at Boquet Valley Schools and the Westport Library. Meet with your guidance counselor or library personnel to search the database, and they will connect you with a career mentor that meets your interests
Career mentors can meet with you in-person or virtually to discuss career options and goals. There are also opportunities for job shadowing, summer jobs, and internships. To learn more, visit or call the Westport Public Library.
BRIEF Coalition Young Adult and Family Member Representatives