Our programs are designed to help parents and families nurture their children and develop skills.
Children’s Services includes three (3) programs:
- Early Intervention Program,
- Preschool Program, &
- Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program.
- *For all screening services, call 518-873-3522
- Provider forms
Did You Know???
Parents and providers may refer children to any of our programs if a delay in development is suspected.  Call (518) 873-3522.
Program helps children who are delayed in their development or have a diagnosed disability. ⬆
Areas of delay may be in one or more area:
Physical development – including hearing and vision
Learning or cognitive development
Speech or language development
Social or emotional development
Self-help skills.
Delay criteria is determined by evaluation using New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) guidelines or a diagnosis included in a NYSDOH list.
If your child is eligible for the Early Intervention program, your Service Coordinator will assist you in developing a family-centered plan. Most services are provided at your home, daycare, Head Start, or other community setting. Your Service Coordinator can assist you with other resources such as connecting you to health insurance programs, other community resources, and information on child development.  Any child residing in Essex County who meets the criteria of delay or who has a qualifying diagnosis is eligible for this program.
Helps preschool aged children who may have been behind in: talking, social skills, school readiness or physical or behavioral challenges. ⬆
If your preschool child received early intervention services [as an infant or toddler up to age three and may still need special education services] your Service Coordinator will help you with transition planning and making a referral to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE).
If your preschool child did not receive early intervention services but has some delays such as difficulty in talking, moving around, thinking, learning or is facing physical or behavioral challenges — you, or professionals who know your child, may make a referral to the chairperson of your school district's Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) who will assist you in completing the referral process.
Ausable Valley | 518-834-2800 ext. 3505 – Kate Frederick |
Boquet Valley | 518-962-8244 – Abby Seymour |
Crown Point | 518-597-3285 ext.6 – Tieah Gunnison |
Keene Valley  | 518-576-4555 – Donna Sawyer |
Lake Placid     | 518-523-3640 ext. 4011 – Sarah Allen |
Minerva | 518-251-2500 – Jody Hyatt |
Moriah    | 518-546-3301 ext. 409 – Michael Dinsmore |
Newcomb | 518-582-3341 – Steven Wilk |
Saranac Lake | 518-891-5460 ext. 410 – Suzanne Nicholas |
Schroon Lake  | 518-532-7164 ext. 3501 – Linda Seber |
Ticonderoga | 518-585-7442 ext. 2212 – Tracy Price |
Willsboro | 518-963-4456 ext. 209 – Jennifer Leibeck |
You, or professionals who know your child, may make a referral to the chairperson of your school district’s Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) who will assist you in completing the referral process.
Eligibility for services is determined by your school district’s Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and based on following Part 200 of the New York State Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.
Helps children who have an illness or condition for which they need extra health care and support services. ⬆
Children served by the CYSHCN Program have an illness or condition for which they need extra health care and support services. These children might have a serious or long-lasting:
Physical condition,
Intellectual or developmental disability, and/or
Behavioral or emotional condition.
Conditions include but not limited to ADD or ADHD, allergies, anxiety, arthritis/joint problems, asthma, autism or autism spectrum disorder, behavioral/conduct problem, blood disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis.Â
The Children with Special Health Care Needs Program (CSHCN) is a state wide public health program. Â NYSDOH is dedicated to achieving a statewide system of care for children with special health care needs and their families. Â Program goals are to:
- link families to correct health and related services,
- identify gaps and barriers,
- assist in family resolutions, and
- assure access to quality health care.
Eligibility is determined by the county health department.
Adirondack Community Action Programs  ACAP’s mission is to promote personal development, healthy interdependence and improved quality of life.
Families First of Essex County offers a hand in partnership to parents who have children with emotional or behavioral challenges.
Capital District/North Country Early Childhood Direction Center The Center is able to answer questions about childhood development, behavior, and a variety of special needs regarding young children (birth through age 5). They provide information, referral and support. Services are free and confidential.
NYS Parent Guide for building a nurturing, healthy relationship with your child
New York State Office of Children and Family Services
Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped CBVH offers a range of services for individuals who are legally blind.  (866) 871-3000.
Parent to Parent of New York State
This is a parent-run organization, with nine offices statewide, that brings parents of children with disabilities together with other parents who have children with the same or similar disabilities. Parents can discuss similar problems, successes, share information, and provide each other with support.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Zero to Three –  National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families.
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