COVID Vax Appointments

COVID-19 Vax given @ECHD in 2021!
COVID-19 Vax given @ECHD in 2022!
Bivalent Boosters given @ECHD in 2022!
Bivalent Boosters given @ECHD in 2023!

Review the updates below before scheduling your appointment, including important information about cost, payment, billing and insurance 


Where can I get a COVID vaccine?

COVID vaccines are widely available at pharmacies, Health Centers, Clinics and local health departments (like us!) across the state.

Find a vaccine appointment near you by clicking

* Our Department serves as a safety net provider.  This means, if you can’t get an appointment at your regular healthcare provider, health center or local pharmacy, we can serve you. 

**For appointments call 518-873-3500

**We are offering COVID vaccine only.

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