Our department will continue to be a partner and resource for schools and childcare centers. The information on this page is intended to assist schools and resources for childcare in providing health services.
- School Health Services & Forms
- Immunizations
- Communicable Disease Reporting/Forms/Guides
- Make a Referral to an ECHD Service
- Managing Emergency Health Care
- Community Health Assessment Data
- COVID-19 Operational Guidance k-12 Schools
- Sexual Health & Safety
- *Archived - Creating Healthy Schools & Communities Program
NYSED:SSS:School Health Services
- Automatic Electronic Defibrillator(AED)
- Dental Certificates
- Guidelines
- Immunizations
- Laws, Regulations, and Guidance
- Medicaid
- Medications
- Mental Health
- Nonpublic Schools
- Nurses
- Substance Abuse
- Updates and Important Information
Required New York State School Health Examination Form (nysed.gov)
REFER PATIENTS FOR SERVICES Available through this Health Department
Home Health Care – Nursing, PT, OT, Speech
Universal Newborn Home Visiting Program – Baby Steps to Bright Futures
Become a Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer
From 2015-2020, Essex and Clinton County Health Departments have collaborated on the NYSDOH-funded Creating Healthy School and Communities (CHSC) grant. In October 2015, the CHSC team started working with school districts, community based organizations, worksites, locally owned businesses, and municipalities to create a healthier environment for our counties. Together, we were able to make some significant changes because of all the partners we met along the away who remain committed to creating healthier communities. The Essex County Health Department Chronic Disease program is still available for assistance. These infographics show the successes CHSC accomplished in collaboration with community partners.
Essex County Board Resolution of Appreciation for ELCS Wellness Committee 12/4/2018
Elizabethtown-Lewis School Success Story Year 2
Elizabethtown School Success Story Year 1
Essex County Board Resolution of Appreciation of Moriah Central School Wellness Committee 12/4/2018
Moriah School Success Story Year 2
Moriah School Success Story Year 1
Essex County Board Resolution of Appreciation of Ticonderoga Wellness Committee 12/4/2018
Ticonderoga School Success Story Year 2
Ticonderoga School Success Story Year 1
School Activities
- Increase access to healthy, affordable foods (especially fruits and vegetables, low-sodium foods, and healthy beverages) and increase school districts’ ability to meet federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) (PDF) (gpo.gov) nutrition standards for vending, a la carte, school stores, and other foods sold outside the school meal programs.
- Establish Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (PDF) (cdc.gov) and implement and strengthen each of the five components: 1) quality physical education; 2) physical activity during school day; 3) physical activity before and after school; 4) staff involvement; and 5) family and community engagement.
- Provide consistent, evidence-based standards for nutrition and physical activity to promote student wellness through the assessment, development, improvement, and implementation of the federally mandated Local School Wellness Policies. (fns.usda.gov)
Community Mobilization Activities:
- Increase access to healthy, affordable foods (PDF) (cdc.gov) (especially fruits and vegetables, low-sodium foods, and healthy beverages) through a variety of strategies, such as:
- Educating community members and leaders about the benefits of zoning and/or licensing regulations which require that a percentage of foods sold by convenience stores and small retailers be healthy;
- Developing and sustaining mobile produce sales;
- Establishing cooperative buying groups; or
- Creating or enhancing food hubs.
- Increase adoption and use of food standards and procurement policies (including criteria for sodium, saturated and trans fats, healthy beverages, and fiber) by venues reaching priority populations, including municipalities, community-based organizations, worksites, and/or hospitals.
- Educate community members and leaders on the benefits of adopting and implementing Complete Streets policies, plans, and practices.