911 Communications Center
Travis Crandall
Dispatch Supervisor
John Devlin
Senior Dispatcher
Brian Caza
Senior Dispatcher
About the Communications Center
The Essex County Office of Emergency Services 911 Communications Center is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our Communications Center receives over 40,000 calls annually for just 911 alone. The 911 Center dispatches for 20 Fire Departments in Essex County and for Long Lake in Hamilton County as well as dispatching for 12 EMS Agencies within Essex County.
Dialing or Texting 911 allows any County resident in need of emergency assistance immediate access to the appropriate police, fire or ambulance agency. The Essex County 911 Communications Center is a centralized Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for all calls for emergency services within the County of Essex. The 911 Center is the point of reception and response to 911 dialed calls, dispatch of emergency equipment, and relay or transfer of service calls to the appropriate public service agencies within Essex County.
Helpful Information & Links
Animal Cruelty Tip Line:
1-844-4RE-SQME or 1-844-473-7763
Non-Emergency 24 Hour Line: