Staff Page & Contact Information
8053 U.S. Route 9, Elizabethtown, New York 12932
Office: 518-873-6326, 518-873-3666 Fax: 518-873-9195
Shop: 518-873-2034, 518-873-3667
Digging/Right-of-way Permit | Hauling Permit |
DPW Maintenance and Repair Form |
DPW Work Order Form
Photo: Blue Ridge Road in Minerva
Superintendent of Public Works, Jim Dougan 518-873-3739
Deputy Superintendent of Public Works, Todd Hodgson 518-873-3734
Planning and Design Section
Gary Rancour, Assistant Civil Engineer 518-873-3746
Hugh Harwood, Assistant Civil Engineer 518-873-3752
Andrew Stanley, Project Manager 518-873-3745
Cole Fernandez, Sr. Engineering Technician 518-873-3747
Tracy Bedard, Confidential Secretary 518-873-3743
Jennifer Bridge, Principal Account Clerk 518-873-3742
Heather Provoncha, Engineering Assistant 518-873-3741
Paula Monette, Account Clerk 518-873-3727
Division of Highways
Jason Frasier, General Public Works Supervisor 518-873-3736
Public Works Maintenance Supervisors
William Gay, Charles O’Neil, Rick Meachem 518-873-3667
Brian Phinney Jr, Sign Maintenance Supervisor 518-873-3738
Randy Colegrove, Supervising Mechanic 518-873-3737
Division of Buildings and Grounds
Josh Meachem, Public Works Buildings and Grounds Supervisor 518-873-3642
Jed Sprague, Public Safety Building Maintenance Office 518-873-6923
Essex County Highway Maps: Essex County highway maps with 911 updates on town, county, and state roads, are available. The maps may be purchased at the County Clerk’s office or the County Highway Department for $2.50. If you would like a map mailed to you, please send a check for $3.00 to Essex County Highway Department, 7551 Court Street, PO Box 217, Elizabethtown, NY 12932.
About the Department of Public Works
Essex County maintains 356.26 miles of roads throughout the eighteen towns of the County. This network includes a range of road classifications, including residential streets, rural, collector, and high volume arterial roads. This system requires a varied approach to highway maintenance. Due to this diversity and limited budget with which to operate, the Highway Division has established and continues to implement maintenance and construction techniques that produce the best results with the money available.
Unlike many of the neighboring counties, Essex County has created a partnership with the town highway departments. Hired under a municipal contract, the towns perform a good percentage of the routine maintenance of the county road system. The range of duties performed by them varies widely, from hauling to patching and ditching. This cooperative effort has been very effective in sustaining the county road system.
Road construction projects, both major and minor, are completed by a combination of town, county, and contracted forces. Similarly, the county is frequently sought to work with towns on their road projects. It is common to find the towns doing their own work with equipment that is rented from Essex County.
The county bridge system has been vigorously addressed over the past decade. It is now rare to receive a notice of a “Red Flag” closure of a bridge by the state inspection crew. Essex County maintains 138 bridges, five of which are mutually shared with Clinton County.
As far as snow and ice control is concerned, Essex County monitors 52 miles of its roads. All the towns, except Elizabethtown, maintain the rest of the county road network.
Classification of Highways | Distribution of Highway Mileages

Recently Completed Projects
(Fact Sheet PDF will open in new tab)
Project List – Ordered by Most Recently Completed
- Water Street Over The Branch (B.I.N. 3301700), September 2021 - August 2022 (PDF)
- Essex County DPW Salt/Sand Storage, August 2021 - April 2022 (PDF)
- Tracy Road Over Ash Craft Brook (B.I.N. 3371780), July 2021 - September 2021 (PDF)
- Tracy Road Over New Pond Brook (B.I.N. 3302640), May 2021 - July 2021 (PDF)