4th Judicial District - Essex County, NY

Essex County Supreme Court Law Library
Essex County Courthouse
7559 Court St.
Elizabethtown, NY 12932
Phone: (518) 873-3377
Fax: (518) 451-8741
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(closed state & federal holidays)
About the Library
The Essex County Supreme Court Law Library is a public access law library located on the first floor of the Courthouse at 7559 Court Street, Elizabethtown, New York.
Library Collections
The collection contains New York and federal case law, New York and federal statutes and secondary resources on a variety of topics. One public access computer with Lexis-Nexis, Westlaw and Loislaw legal research systems are also available to the public.
Library staff does not provide any legal research or any legal advice. The Library staff can provide directional, bibliographic and reference assistance. Library staff cannot provide forms. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that library staff can only provide access to reference books and it is incumbent upon the user to make the determination of what the proper form may be. Preparation of legal documents may require extensive research, an understanding of a technical vocabulary, and careful study of various legal concepts of the law. Library staff may not explain civil or criminal procedure; interpret statutes, cases, or court rules; or give assistance in preparing those documents necessary to either bring or defend an action. The staff of the library is prohibited from rendering any advice, opinion or interpretation of the law.
Circulation Policy
Patrons from the general public and registered attorneys may use any of the books in the library during regular hours. No books are allowed out of the library.
Reserving Right of Inspection
Library staff is authorized to inspect parcels, briefcases, backpacks, etc.
There is a photocopy machine available for use at a cost of $.25 per page.
Public Access Computer Use Policy
- All use of the public access computers is observed by library staff.
- Use of the computer is limited to a 30-minute time period.
- Time slots will be allocated by library staff, if necessary.
- Access to computers will be first come, first serve.
- Information may be e-mailed to the user’s private account, downloading is not permitted.
- Patrons may print documents at a cost of $.25 per page.
- Access is limited to Lexis, Westlaw, Loislaw and the UCS Internet home page.
New York State Unified Court System
New York State Unified Court System – 4th Judicial District